Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Roosters create the eggs."

I often write down things people say. They are not thought-provoking, they are not inspiring. They make me laugh.

Megan: "Holy hippopotamus!"
Brittany: "She'll kick you with her toe."
Matt: "Stop footsie-ing me!"
Susannah: "Yeah...I get my kicks from strangers."
Jason: "Partyin' in the dead zone."
Rachel: "I needed to see what was behind door number 1."
Brittany: "He keeps doing that and I want to say I DON'T SPEAK SIGN LANGUAGE!"
Kyra: "I would be a trophy wife in a second."
Jason: "You fiend!"
Matt: "You were called a fiend."
Susannah: "I know, I kinda liked it."
Brittany: "In that bathroom is something I haven't seen since I was two."
Celeste: "Don't kick me there!"
Brittany: "Don't bite Susannah when she's telling a story!"
Celeste: "I had to!"
Rachel: "Blocks don't make good fans."
Brittany: "We got cuted by the bishopric."
Kyra: "I'm the only Who in my family."
Hannah: "I call her Trash. Trash is short for Veronica."
Mer: "She can't show me her tailbone."
Ben: "Because I'm here?"
Mer: "Your tailbone is not in your uterus."
Sus: "I want a baked potato and my bed."
"You killed Santa!"

"I love candy corn. You are like my drug dealer."

"Your mom looks like a squirrel."
Brittany: "I mean, how many people have been baptized for Elvis?"
Danny: "I have that man."
Celeste: "I don't really care about stuff, is that horrible?"
Brittany: "I care about stuff."
Danny: "I like my calves."
Susannah: "Are they your favorite muscle?"
Danny: "Mwahaha haha haha mwahaha ha haha mwahaha."
Susannah: "How many times are you going to say Patrick Warburton?"
Celeste: "70."
Brittany: "You have a little ways to go."
Celeste: "Celebrities follow her tweets."
Danny: "Michael Jackson?"
Brittany: "He's dead."
Celeste: "It's too soon!"

Texts I have locked on my phone
(Some are thoroughly out of context, some wouldn't even make sense in context, some just make me smile)

Matt: Walking home and avoiding the sprinklers was like real-life Mario.
Meridith: "Large" is relative anyway...for a giant.
Aaron: Go Susannah, go Susannah; cut the hair, cut the hair
Chris: Rats, I dropped my PopTart.
Susie:  Haha, locked.
Chris: What? What? That wasn't funny! Unlock sesame! Slide to unlock! Bwoop bwoop car remote!
Matt: If Kevin is dead, shoot him again just in case.
Chris: I need a girl!
Caroline: Gouda cheese is calling for you. He is saying "Come and get me! You know you want me!" too bad there isn't actually any Gouda cheese here for you.
Dad: I love you, Susannah.
Aaron: I still have a hickey on my neck.
Susie: Are you going?
Chris: Not sure yet. Gotta love indecisiveness.
Susie: You need a Magic 8 Ball app.
Chris: Then I'd have to analyze the result and that would make me even more indecisive.
Susie: So then there's no hope, eh? Doomed to a life of indecisiveness because you won't take life direction from a Mattel toy.
Chris: Yep.
Susie: Probably wise; if I did everything my Barbie suggested I'd be a lifeguard ballerina school teacher astronaut. And then I'd really have no time for a social life!
Chris: Hahahahahahahaha! Love it!
Deborah: P.S. I love you?
Brittany: I just totally had a you moment because I didn't realize I was on a date until I was on it.
Chris: Girl geeks are hot.
Susannah: I ate cilantro and mentally chased you around with my cilantro-y fingers.
Meridith: Hahaha I am mentally shrieking with fake fright and running in circles away from you.

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