Monday, January 07, 2008

Failure to operate

I am almost home. I'll give a full update later, but for now...some highlights:

* I spun out on the freeway, over-corrected, and ended up facing the wrong way in the other lane.

* I got in a head-on collision.

* I got a citation for "Failure to operate in one lane" for $112.

* I drove in the pitch black, in a snow storm, without knowing where the freeway (let alone my lane) was. At 19 mph. Crying.

* I slowly pulled off the freeway.

* I spent the night alone in a little hotel in Parowan, Utah.


Katie said...


One time I drove in such bad snow that after I pulled off it felt like I'd done about a million sit-ups. My stomach muscles had been clinched for about 4 hours straight.

Sariah said...

Oh my gosh!!! I'm so sorry! And I'm so glad you are not hurt!

*Big Hugs!!!* ... I feel bad that they are coming a little late, I'm sure you could have used them more at the time!

Susannah said...

Thank you for the hugs, Sariah!