Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A pickle conviction

I am quite nearly done with my Christmas shopping. I now sit in a pile of things needing to be wrapped. And then theres the whole process of cleaning out George and attempting to fit these fifty gajillion gifts in him for my drive to Utah this weekend. I am excited for Christmas :)

It snowed today. S-N-O-W-E-D. In Las Vegas. Well, so they tell me. I brought my camera with me all day, hoping I would run into some of this alleged snow. TO NO AVAIL. Apparently it snowed in the more Henderson side, while I hang out in the North and near Summerlin.
...which is fine because my camera's batteries died already.

When I got my redhighlights I asked my stylist about going blonde (hehehe), after mocking me for a while she said she was worried about its effect on my already ravaged hair. (Wimp.) So tonight she surprised me by asking if I wanted to do a few test strands. Woohoo. So I now have 4 foils worth of blonde highlights near my face. And how pumped am I? HELLO! I'm going back to my blonde! (well, eventually.)

A much younger & blonder Susannah


Sarah C. said...

I have two thoughts: first, thanks for not mentioning that I'm coming to see you. Maybe I'll just go home with my family! How do you like that?! And second, do not, under any circumstances, die your hair blonde. Your complexion would entirely reject that.

Sarah C. said...

Yes, I did spell it "die" on purpose, because I do things like that. Don't second guess me!