Monday, October 18, 2004

Spam spam spam spam

So, Meridith finished a second draft of her paper on me and I like this version better, so here it is:

The Secret Meaning of Giggles

The most distinguished thing about Susannah is her various laughs and giggles. They can be heard from every nook and cranny in our three-story house. It is never one quiet giggle, but a loud burst of giggles that arpeggio up the musical scale until at last hitting the top only to start back over again. My sister finds humor in most anything. Her head flies back, and her long, wavy redish-orange hair goes flying. Her newly lipsticked lips open wide to exert the most noise feasible. Her gorgeous brown eyes flash with spirit.
Wherever she goes, Susannah is the first person to understand a joke and the first person to share her wit. While her other friends stand with bemused expressions concerning the latest pun or riddle, Susannah is seized over in silent laughter. She laughs at puns and irony, witticisms and slap-stick. Her interests and hobbies, it seems, are as wide-spread as her giggles. Her eagerness to laugh is displayed in everything she does.
Susannah’s giggles are a sign of surprise after learning something new. As a child, the family would find her multiple times tucked away inside a bathroom pouring over a large, red encyclopedia she could hardly hold up, let alone read for hours at a time. She would frequently memorize complicated computer instruction manuals ‘just for fun.’ She doesn’t think about her wisdom being so vast, and so when it is displayed in some way, it seems to delight her. When asked a question, she states the answer like an encyclopedia, and then bursts out in loud laughter like a booming blow horn’s one loud blast. The laugh continues trickling down to silent giggles, never stopping within five minutes of when it started. She surprises herself with what she has learned, and that is when she really laughs.
Susannah also finds pleasure in slap-stick comedy. Although educated in the classics like My Fair Lady and Sound of Music, she prefers to watch shows such as U.H.F. and Revenge of the Nerds. U.H.F. is an 80’s cult classic in which “Weird Al” ’s character tries to run a television station. Revenge of the Nerds is self explanatory. Her laughter while watching shows is one long, incessant giggle, never caring if she is in a group or alone. Everything said is funny to her. She thrives on the banter between the characters. She understands what they are implying and uses the bantering as witticisms for herself.
Even more than pleasure or delight, Susannah giggles out of defense for herself. When she becomes embarrassed, all she can do is giggle. It is a pleasant little giggle, contrasting to her booming laugh, that hopes others will join in too. Although horrified, she acts like the incident made her happy or put her in good humor. Although terrified at the thought of embarrassing herself in front of others, when it happens, she gets a slight smile on her face, and only those that know her best can see the hurt or horror hidden underneath that smile.
Although giggles are usually present during frivolous and amusing times, by knowing Susannah, I have come to realize that her giggles mean something more. Of course she laughs when she thinks something is funny, but she also laughs when she is embarrassed or insecure. By knowing that giggling is her form of communication for more than just happiness, everything else about her makes more sense.

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