Then I was wondering the halls, which were like this fancy mall. I walked past this empty tiny round stage. A few minutes later I walked by it again and the Fab 5 (Queer Eye guys) were standing on it, posing. Huh? I yelled, "Hey! The Fab 5! Kyan!" They looked over, smiled, but kept their poses.

Then I was in some sort of mens clothing store, it looked like Gorgio Armani's, but it wasn't. Carson (of the Fab 5) was in there perusing the racks. I said, "Well, hello, Mr. Kressley!" He didn't hear me.
Then I was in some sort of a movie shoot. But it was a movie I already knew. And I was like, "Wait a minute, that's not what he says! She doesn't walk over there, she stands right here!" It was weird.
Then there was some weird showerhead thingy on the wall and the two stars starting getting wet and I was like the intern that was supposed to help them. ?!? Their clothes were totally soaked. It reminded me of the scene in "Charade" where Cary Grant showers in his suit.
I woke up at 6:30 this morning. I fell back to sleep while reading The Scarlett Letter (for my English homework) at about 9. I got up a few times, but kept gravitating toward my bed. My mom came home just past 11, and I so I was obligated to get out of bed. I read some more of T.S.L., but was bored, so I worked on some math. Blah.
Then I decided to follow my new workout regimen (2x a day, blech!). I mostly sat on the couch wrapped in an Afgan watching the all-too-perky girls jump around on the BigScreen thinking to myself "So not worth it, so not worth it. Guys are just going to have to learn to love chubby girls 'cause it's so not worth it".
Ryan called. I told him I changed my mind and will go with him to his Institute class. He asked why the sudden change, "because you felt bad for LYING TO ME? Saying you would, then saying NO?" I said it may have a titch to do with it, but wasn't the deciding factor. He called me a Liar, again.
He told me to call him after my shower and we would go get me signed up. I took my sweet time getting ready (including watching Dr. Phil) then we left. The Institute building was closed because they close at 4 p.m. on Mondays. Blah. So Ryan made me wander UVSC with him.
He kept asking "whats wrong with you?" I kept avoiding the question. Finally, on our way to the car, he said, "Why are you so quiet?" I said, "I just don't feel well." He said, "You always don't feel well. [I called him a liar.] What's wrong with you?" I said, "Everything." He said, "Oh, well thanks for the long in-depth answer. Now, what's wrong?" Ugh, fine! I said, "Well, I am hot in this sweatshirt; I have a headache; and I have horrible cramps." His response: "Aaaaah, la la la la *covering ears* eeeew la la la!!!" I laughed at him and said, "Hey! You asked...repeatedly! I was fine with not telling you a thing!" I dropped him off at his house because he had errands to run and I had to get the car back to my mother.
Deborah was over when I got home. She was watching my mom sew the receiving blankets she's making for the 3 babies.
Deb & I watched The Weakest Link and Family Feud together. We started scanning channels when we saw "Deadly Deceipt: The Mark Hacking Story" on A&E so Deborah made me stop there. We saw Brendalyn (Mark's sister-in-law, Deborah's friend) on the screen 3 times.
It is so weird to see shots of Orem High School and hear them talking about Orem on A&E! Hahaha. I guess I'm just not used to us Utahns getting so much coverage, hahaha. ;)
Then we had dinner and that's where the random quotes came from.
After dinner I did the dang workout video again (this time I actually *did* it). I'm gonna be sore tomorrow.
"Being handsome takes work. Do you think my face just happens?" -Kyan Douglas, grooming guru, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
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