Meridith- "Have we had this toaster since we lived in this house? (12 years)"
Susannah- "I’ve had hiccups 50 times today...Ok, three."
I fell asleep with my TV on at about 3 today and had a strange dream:
This is going to be written weird, just rambling as I remember things:
I was asleep in a weird hotel room. I was annoyed by the super loud TV someone downstairs had on.
It was Caroline. But we were in this huge cabin thingy (like the one I saw three times in the Parade of Homes). I turned off her TV, and noticed there was a party going on outside.
Turned into a pimped out Scera Shell. With pine trees and cabins around.
The band Hanson came into the Cabin/Mansion/Hotel Isaac and I got to chatting some small talk.

See Hanson on TV, being interviewed for todays show. Was totally them except Taylor had LONG hair in dreads. (It switched back and forth between that and his real haircut)
See Hanson outside. Watch them from afar. Walk past them, but not saying anything. Acting cool about it all.
Going to the snackshop, usually getting a big full soda, but instead they gave me a cup and a tiny glass bottle of Sprite. (They were trying to save money.) Reba worked there. Ike Hanson said, “Susannah, hey!” He had remembered me from when I met them in March. I acted all cool and said, “Oh hey, Isaac. How’s it going?” Him- "good." Me- "What are you guys up to now?" Him- "touring and recording." Not wanting to be an annoying fan I stopped asking ?s. He said goodbye and walked back to the guys with their sodas.
Breaking in past chains & stuff, but was “allowed to” because I knew some people who owned the place.
Breaking in the garage, standing on the cars, trying to find something. Isaac coming over, us chatting. Becoming way good friends. He slowly morphs into a early 20s girl, who has a crush on Orlando Bloom (who, i guess, is apparently there, and we were trying to find him). But then Hanson had to catch a plane.
Ike (who was back to being a guy) ran back toward his bros and I yelled, “Isaac, can we be, like, way good friends, or something?” He yelled, “We are.” I yelled, “Email me!” ...and that’s when Meridith woke me up.
Wow, I have weird dreams.
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