...and this was just at dinner tonight:
Deborah- I just coughed and a piece of corn flew that way {*looks*} ...I think. Do you see it over there?
Deborah- Yeah, in a landfill, Thelma.
Susannah- Look, the Teflon Bathroom® chick! The Teflon Bathroom® chick!
Deborah- Wow! Call them and tell them!!!
Meridith- She’s like a little Emma. Oh wait. A bigger Emma. And older.
Deborah- Well, the Olympics are over.
Susannah- Did you see the Iraqi Soccer Team?
Deborah- No, did they win?
Susannah- I dunno, but they’re supposed to be HOT.
Deborah- Nah, I’ve seen ‘em. They look like terrorists.
Meridith- I love it when she giggles while she types.
Deborah- She giggled the whole time through dinner
Meridith- She doesn’t giggle when youre not here
Deborah- Yes she does, she giggles constantly. She’s never not giggled when I’ve been with her.
Meridith- Exactly, she giggles when you’re around.
Meridith- Mom, have we ever tried the Chipotle Chicken?
Susannah- hehehe
Meridith- What is she giggling about?!
Susannah- hahahaha!
Meridith- Stop it!
S- What was it that I said earlier that made me laugh so hard?
D- Everything.
Deborah- You OK?
Susannah- I’m inhaling my goldfish again.
Susannah- Stop that! I’ve been shushed 12 times in the past half-hour. I hate being shushed.
Dad- Shush.
Deborah- This corn is way better than Maceys'.
Sarah- They say excersizing helps cramps.
Susannah- Yeah, well they’re a bunch of liars.
Susannah- Oh yeah? I can shoot Diet Coke out of my toes...watch!
Deborah- I don't think she understood the point of the story.
In other news: Sarah came home from Florida. Hahaha.
Here I had psyched myself out knowing my best friend was going to be gone for like four months and instead she's back after two weeks. I'm excited, but my body feels lied to. Hahahaha.

Me & Reba. Dang, I want to get more of these photobooth pictures done. I think they are hilarious. I used to have my entire notebook covered in these. I have two strips of Reba & me, two of Nikki & Me, one of Deborah & me, one of Sarah & Me, and one of Amanda & Me. They always follow the same format, though not on purpose: Normal smile, Super smiley, tongue out, and pursed lips. What else are we supposed to be doing while skipping class? ;)
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