Friday, August 27, 2004

Someone's Vickies are in a bunch

I am supposedly "really mean" to Honeyman. Whatever.

Susannah: [We have a rifle? Why do we have a rifle?]
...a few minutes later...
Sus: [Oh, it's a BBGun.]
Ryan: That's what you called a rifle? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Sus: [I only saw like an inch of the end. Besides, I've never seen a gun in person.]
Susannah: [Do you want to watch this?]
Ryan: Whats it about?
Susannah: [Its about two political speech writers who meet and mess up each others campaigns on accident by discussing the issues and their stand... Don't give me that look; it's really funny.]
Reba: {So are we going to watch that one?}
Ryan: I'm still stuck on the thought that we are wanting to watch a dumb political movie that is supposedly funny.
Susannah: [MeanieHead!]
Ryan: Don't fall asleep Susannah.
Susannah: [Hypocrite.]
Ryan: My eyes were open the whole time I was laying down. Oh sure; I always invite people over to my house and fall asleep during the movie!
after asking what fondue is
Susannah: [this is my fondue pot]
Ryan: It stinks
Susannah, fed up: [I'm so glad you have a positive thing to say about everything I tell you.]
Reba: {Oops! Oh, the glass didn't break, thats good.}
Ryan: Doesn't matter; theyre all All-A-Dollar frames anyway.
Susannah: [Haha, No they're not.]
Ryan: Well they're ugly.
Susannah: [mumbled: whatever you say]
Ryan: ...Really ugly...
Susannah: [Heard you already]
*Ryan smacking the back of my legs while we're walking up the stairs*
Susannah: [Ok, STOP that.]
On an IM
Ryan: go to bed
Sus: I was going to, but I haven't updated my blog in a while. obligations ;) .
Ryan: ha ha
this is where he would normally mock me horribly, and probably call me "such a nerd".
Sus: No mean comments, please. haha
Ryan: i said ha ha, that is not mean
Sus: I know. I didn't say that was. i was just saying don't mock me, basically. :)
Ryan: i am kinda offended, you say mean things to me a lot
Sus: I apologize, I don't mean to offend you.
Ryan: meanie head
Sus: I want to say hypocrite, but that would a double edged sword. ;)
Sus: I'm only joking, by the way.
Ryan: you are lying
Sus: I am not. Goodnight, you have school in ten hours.
Ryan: ha ha bye
Sus: haha, Bye

Yes, yes, I am always the cruel one in this friendship.

Bite me.

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