I didn't get to sleep til around 1:30 or 2 this morning. Then I woke up at 6:00. I fell back to sleep at around 6:30, then got back up at 7. I ran out the door at 7:25, just as Meridith was driving away (thanks Mer), so I didn't get to take George the VW Beetle today. I got back in bed because I was freezing and my comforter was screaming my name.
Finally at 8-ish I left with my Mom. After going to the post office, we got to work. I cleaned out my entire office and realized how many freakin empty water bottles I had (fifty gajillion - rough estimate).
I took the van and went to the library by way of Taco Bell. I sat in a squishy chair in the back corner of the adult wing of the library and started my homework. Soon a weird guy came and sat on the chair across from mine. Every so often I would look up and he was looking at me. Eww. No thanks. **Though I was looking pretty foxy (for a lil while there...in my head at least, and, frankly, that's all the mattered) in my tight flare Paris Blues jeans and black top, with my wavy hair half up with a chopstick (a literal chopstick, unused, wood, from Panda Express a few months ago), and my red faux-buckle heels.** I really hate it when guys stare at me; which Honeyman laughs at.
That guy eventually left and a cute lil snow-white haired old guy came and sat in the chair next to mine.
I got a bunch of homework done. At 2:10 my dad showed up in the truck and I left with him to the printer. He dropped me back off at the library so I could grab the van. I went to the office so my mom could take the van. I hung out there for just over an hour then left with my dad again. We went to Harts and got a 64 oz-er (Diet Pepsi for me, Diet Dr. Pepper for him), then we went to the American Fork D.I. where my dad got a bunch of used books and I got "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".
Random quotes:
Susannah: "I was taking an IQ test and knew the answers, but decided it would take me too long to answer it. ...I am a lazy genius."
Dad, after cashier overcharged by 75 cents: "I think she was trying to give herself a 75 cent tip."
Susannah: "I think you are more of a cynic than me."
Susannah: "I'm not cynical; everything just sucks."
When we got home I started to make dinner so mom would be happy when she got home. I had the lil pork roasts defrosting when she walked in the door and said, "Everyone out. We're going to dinner!" I quickly threw the pork in the fridge and ran out to the car. We (Mom, Dad, Meridith and I) went to Outback Steakhouse. And I, of course, got the chicken fettuccini alfredo...but it also had shrimp on it, so that's something new. Hahaha!
Some random quotes from dinner:
Susannah: "It's a shame our boyfriend, Aaron, is married."
Dad: "I'll tell you one thing; he ain't MY boyfriend!"
Dad, pointing to two shrimp who were stuck together: "Honey, this is you and me on a cold morning."
Susannah: Aw; he's analogy-ing your love life with coconut shrimp. Hahahaha!!!"
Dad: "Shrimp tails are like potato chips!"
Dad, after rolling up a dollarbill and putting it in his ear: "Now I'm a cash-ear. Get it? Cashier?"
Susannah: "Boys are so weird."
Meridith & Susannah, singing: "My happiness is a golden poem... I'll get the popcorn."
Susannah: "How did you remember that?"
Meridith: "The song keeps playing in my head."
Dad: "She has photographic eardrums."
Yesterday my dad was talking to a guy in my BYU singles ward bishopric. After talking about how dang fun I am he said that a guy in the ward asked him: "Do you think it would be alright for me to ask out Susannah even though she has a boyfriend?"
Dear Date-Hopeful,
Honeyman isn't and never will be my boyfriend. I give you full permission to ask me out. Especially if your plans include smothering me with gifts of designer high heeled shoes; white gold, six-prong, marquise cut, 1 carat diamond rings; or Kate Spade bags. Or if you just don't freak out when I kick your trash at pool.
...unless you are a paste-eater*. In that case, I will give you Meridith's email address.
Much love,

When my dad told my mom she turned to me and said, "This is what we were talking about. You are missing out [by being with Ryan]..." and so on.
What would they like me to do? Suddenly stop hanging out with him? Go places alone? Wear a shirt that says "Available!"? Well, as soon as his new girlfriend-hopeful, Lindsay, becomes official that will all happen, so you're in luck. ...except maybe that shirt part.
* Paste-eaters are the boys who are the type to have sat in the back of kindergarten chomping on the thick glue. credit: Deborah
Well, I must go do my Paula Abdul CardioDance workout video now, for I am going to Lagoon this weekend and would like to be able to fit my hips in those dang rollercoaster seats.

Current Mood: Far too giggly
Current Music: "One Boy" -Ann Margaret from Bye, Bye, Birdie
"One boy to laugh with, to joke with, smoke coke with." -Deborah's special version.
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