Except for a few lingering shots of yours truly on the 2003 Pearl Awards (one of the camera men squatted in the isle and kept the camera on me like I was some big star, [which, of course, I am! but the rest of the world refuses to recongnize this as of yet] because I was in Dan Pope's seat, with all the nominees.) there has been very little of me on any size screen.
Until... Pride & Prejudice came out in December. I saw it at a preview, but was late and only caught half of it. Then I saw it in a theater and missed the beginning again. But finally, on the third try, I saw the whole thing. I got excited and turned to my dad and said, "Hey! I think I saw me!" Hahaha.
Yep, if you are watching P&P you can see yours truly dancing. I don't recommend looking for me because: A) I can't dance [which was pointed out by Honeyman again tonight] and B) Unless I am standing next to the TV physically pointing myself out it is hard to find me.
{If you do want to find me here is how to do it: At Charles and Caroline Bingley's party- Right after Elizabeth walks Mary off the stage it shows Darcy and Caroline. Watch near Caroline's right shoulder [on your left]. When the scene changes to the party I am right there where her shoulder once was. Brown shirt, brown hair pulled in a half ponytail. I'm not hidden nor small; it's just difficult to find me the first time.}
But nonetheless, I am in it.
I finally uploaded the pictures from my digital camera yesterday. I found that I look drugged in every picture of me. I think it is from one eye attempting to close because of the brightness of the flash.
I got the most H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. picture of Emma, though. It was her own mini-photoshoot. Whenever I pulled out my camera she would pose, regardless of if the camera was ON or not. Here she is with Pringles crumbs all over her face:

I love it! Meridith says Em looks like an alien. I think she looks like those pictures of dogs with the HUGE eyes. (While Googling a picture of what I'm trying to explain a picture of Frankie Muniz came back...odd)
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