Monday, November 22, 2010

You're a meanie.

I always have a lot of friends, I enjoy being surrounded by people I enjoy. One of my favorite things is playing games with friends, and the hilarious conversations that happen.

Erin: "Claus the Saint will rise again."
Jon: "Whoever wrote the Spanish on these cards doesn't know Spanish."
Chris: "These are Italian, by the way."
Matt: "Yeah! Way to have an unrefined palate!"
Sus: "Always take the beer." (a card in the game)
Matt: "I am adorable."
Sus: "As long as you bless me with some bullets."
Matt: "You're a meanie."
Sus: "Pop goes the weasel? I mean, what the crap?!"
Megan: "Susannah, I really wanted you to die, no offense...but I did."
Joey: "I want another eye."
Sus: "Did you say want or need? Serious question."
Megan: "Wait, you guys are brothers?! Since when?!"
Erin: "Don't laugh at my insanity."
Chris: "We just did."
Matt: "Chris, face it: you're a hot item. On Black Friday someones gonna pick you up."
Sus: "Yeah, 40% off with free shipping."
Chris: "I don't want to be gay, but it sounds like fun...stupid Skittles."
Sus: "He has tasted the rainbow, indeed."
Sus: "Are you completely boring when you are with boring people?"