Friday, November 03, 2006


Jayar just threw a candy corn at my head, really hard.

Well, I should begin a bit further back.
I like to shop day-after-holiday clearance. I bought three bags of candy the other day. I gave a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to Jayar, which he put in his drawer. I put a bag of Reese's Sticks in my drawer, and I put a bag of candy corn in my purse.
I gave candy to anyone who came near my desk. Handfuls of sugar. When I got yelled at by Frank to stop I told him my plans were to not exercise & diet, but instead to plump up everyone around me. Mwa ha ha.

Today we all had a small pile of candy corn on our desks (my evil plan is working.) Irma asked me to attempt to toss one in her mouth. My first attempt hit her in the chest, hahaha. I tried again, with a bit more force. It hit her tongue really hard and bounced out of her mouth.

Irma told me to open my mouth wide, so I did. Her candy corn hit me in the shoulder.

I told Jayar to open his mouth to catch a candy corn and he said he was afraid of me. "I have fear of you. I don't need a wide mouth, I need a catchers mitt." He said he wanted a slow-pitch underhand (wimp.) I hit his tooth, I think.

Jayar started chucking candy corn at me, at full speed. One flew next to me, another hit the wall and then hit my back.

And people actually feel sympathy for the boredom I MUST feel when I say work at a mortgage company?

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