Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"Yeah, you get some weird looks; it's because of having 'watermelon' and 'cows' in the same sentence." - Heather

Sisters Deborah, Elizabeth, Susannah, and Meridith (quite possibly the only makeup-less picture I'll ever post of me)

Four jobs you have had in your life:
* "Picker & Shipper" for JMC; which led us to sing Deborah's version of The Music Man's "Pick a Little" often (pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, ship ship ship, talk a lot, pick a little more)
* Debate Coach; which taught me I can't be a friend and be in authority. It's one or the other.
* Webmaster; paid to sit on my behind and mess with our website. Sweetest deal ever.
* Junior Loan Processor, currently (and uh, marketing assistant, and uh, training to be a loan officer currently)

Four movies you could watch over and over:
* Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; "Socrates Johnson, Bob Ghangis Khan, and uh...Abraham Lincoln."
* UHF; "George, you know I was wondering, like if you were traveling through outer space, I mean like you're going real fast, like the speed of light, you know... hoooohhhhh... and all of a sudden you started screaming... aaaahhhhh aaaaahhhhh... Do you think your brain would blow up?"
* O Brother, Where Art Thou?; "Way I see it, he got what he deserved, fornicating with some whore of Babylon. These things don't happen for no reason, Delmar. It's obviously some kinda judgment on his character."
* Help!; "MIT was after me, you know. Wanted me to rule the world for them."

Four places you've lived:
* House in Orem, UT for 8 years
* Different house in Orem, UT for 13 years
* Apartment in Provo, UT for 4 months
* House in Las Vegas, NV for 5 months so far

Four TV shows you love to watch that are on air:
* The Office; I have a total crush on Jim/John Krasinski just like the majority of female viewers.
* What Not To Wear; I [heart] Clinton Kelly--the gay little pocket square pushing fool.
* Queer Eye For The Straight Guy
* CSI; Vegas is my first love but I do enjoy Miami and NY.

Four TV shows you love that are off the air:
* The Tick; ok, so it is in occasional rerun on ToonDisney, but I don't have that channel.
* Perry Mason; Raymond Burr (Perry) and William Hopper (Paul Drake) were my first celebrity crushes. Meow.
* Family Feud hosted by Richard Kisses-Every-Woman Dawson
* Daria; my hero in a skirt and combat boots.

Four places you've been on vacation:
* Munich, Germany
* Oahu, Hawaii
* Paris, France
* London, England

Four of your favorite foods:
* Cold cereals
* Potatoes
* Soda pop
* Almost anything that is high starch/high carb

Four places you'd rather be right now:
* In Orem; as pathetic as that is.
* In bed
* At a movie
* Nowhere really, I'm fine right here :)

Four sites you visit daily:
* All of the links on the side ------>

Four Bloggers I am tagging:

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