Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice...you won't." - Frank

My dreams have been getting better and better. I wish I would write them down right when I remember them, but I am such a procrastinator!

I wanted to have a party for my birthday but didn't have anywhere good to host it, so Jayar said he would host it. He meant he'd host it at Costco. We went over to Costco and we picked out where each thing would go. Jayar pushed back some couches til they were halfway up the wall and said that would be an excellent place for a banquet table. I was beginning to feel bad because I knew I hadn't told anyone about the party yet and it was supposed to be the next day. I tried to get a hold of my friends but everyones phones were off. A few people called me back and said they couldn't drive the 6 hours from there to here that day. I was freaking out. It was already planned! It was huge! It was catered! I needed to find some friends to come so I got on my computer. Noone was online and I couldn't get anyone to reply to my emails. Ugh.
So I started to wander the Costco and found a little Bath & Body Works-like store. I was in there for a few minutes when I noticed Paris Hilton and her friend were there. I was so annoyed that I started to leave, but then I decided to wait and see what she bought so I could call a magazine and tell them.
I started looking at a few things near Paris and then I realized she was talking to me. She was holding up an eye mask and said, "Isn't this cute?" I replied, "Yeah, that's hot." Uhhhh...I got embarassed for a second for saying 'that's hot' to Paris Hilton but she didn't seem to notice it. She was a lot nicer than I thought she'd be and I realized that I didn't hate her. Then I noticed Paris Hilton was chunky, I chuckled because the thought went through my mind about how much money the guy who does all her airbrushing for photoshoots must make. Hahaha!!! Man, I crack me up even in my sleep!
I left that little store and sat on the white whicker chairs in front of it ('cause, yeah, that makes sense ?!) Danielle and Sarah came walking up and I was sooooo excited to see them. I told them that Paris Hilton was in the store right behind us and they wanted to see her. We went into the store and they were shocked to see that Paris was chunky. I tried to take a picture because I knew no one would believe us if we told them, but my camera wouldn't work because it was apparently out of film. My batteries were dead in my digital camera so I couldn't use that one either. I finally remembered that I had taken pictures of her earlier, so it was OK. (??) Then I woke up.

I was watching TV in my living room and flipped the channel to Oprah. I was surprised to see Laura and Mike hanging out with Oprah.


Man, I wish you could rewatch your dreams because mine would be hilarious.

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