There was a lady sitting a few rows behind me (on the other side of the back aisle, so I could see her feet) who had the most hideous hair, ugly ugly dress, horrible makeup, but the COOLEST shoes. I am now lusting after them.
They look like this:

But my love for those shoes only reminds me more of a conversation I had with my father tonight:
Susannah: How tall am I in these shoes? (real answer- around 6'1"-6'2")
Daddy: Too tall.
Susannah: Hey!
Daddy: I think you are afraid to attract guys.
Susannah: You're just now figuring this out?
Daddy: I think that's why you do this.
Susannah: No, I do "this" because it's cute. If they can't handle my height it's their own fault. It's not my fault I intimidate them. There is absolutely no reason I should need to feel like being tall is a bad thing. That's just wrong. ...Dad, are you listening to me?
Daddy: Oh, what? It's wrong? What's wrong?
Ugh...blame Mom, I got my height from her side of the family.
Soon after walking through the doors of the church for my lil 8 a.m. meeting this morning, I saw Meridith and my friend Aiime. I walked toward them because Mer was waiting for me so we could sit together. On my way toward them I passed a guy named Golden. I have known Golden since at least 2nd grade; he was in many of my classes through elementary school. That is almost 14 years! Throughout all that time we never spoke to eachother. (Not that I can recollect, at least. He could have been one of my mockers, but I don't think so. He could've also been one of my crushes that I used my mad flirting skills on {like pointing out to Jarom Smith in 4th grade that we have the same initials, only flipped...I'm smooth.} but I don't think so.) He has also been in my ward for the past 3 months...and I've had a crush on him since our senior year of hs.
Where was I? Oh yeah: I passed Golden on my way to Meridith. Suddenly he said, "Hello, Susannah. How are you?" (Wha...? Huh...? Me???) I quickly mumbled, "He[y]. Go[od]. Yo[u?]" in his general direction.
Where in the world did that random greeting come from? You have successfully ignored me for 14 years, why quit now?
Susannah: The place across from Olive Garden has all-you-can-eat sushi for $12.95.
Richard: When are we going??
Deborah: When one of us develops a taste for sushi.
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