Meridith: Hey, I'm home
Susannah: Are you alone?
Meridith: No, Mom is with me.
Susannah: Oh, well that's fine.
Mom: Hi; where is your shirt?
Susannah: In the kitchen; hehe...I was hot.
The other day I told my mother that I am having a Luau. She said, "For what?" I said, "For my birthday!" She laughed and laughed...jerk. Ok, so my birthday isn't until the end of July, but ya got be prepared for these things!
I had a luau two years ago but it didn't turn out as well as I had planned--it rained. Hard. It was set up fun, too! I was holding it on our SportCourt. I had two huge speakers on tripod stands connected to an iPod that was run through a mixer connected to two microphones. I had 20+ songs &lyrics ready for karaoke. I had 4 hours worth of Hawaiian music. I had hula hoops, hahaha, and a limbo stick! I had a large buffet table covered in toppings for Hawaiian Haystacks as well as cinnamon bears and Red Hots labled "Fire Eating". I had Elvis' Blue Hawaii ready to watch. I had tiki thingys, I had banners, I had table cloths, I had seashells, I had mini umbrellas. I had a volcano shaped cake! I WAS READY!!! Then, an hour in, the rain started.
My family mocks me for continuing to have these parties--they rarely turn out well.
But I am a masochist and I still do it every year.
Again, it will be on the SportCourt.

I'm going to make my volcano cake again, it was pretty easy last time.

It's going to take a lot of time, a ton of money, and a bunch of creativity to get it done. It will be fun!
I'm going to invite all my family members, all my friends from high school (because all of my guyfriends will be home from their missions by then--if only by a few days), and the few friends I have made since high school.
Yay, I am so excited!
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