Parker: Aunt Susannah, I dreamed you buyed me Sonic 1 and 2 GameCube games! But it was dreamed. So you'd better really buy me them. ...I'll buy them for you.
I was in some sort of old school; a red brick university-like building. I was running away from someone so I tried all the doors in a hallway. The last door was unlocked, so I ducked inside the room. It, in typical dream fashion, turned into my bedroom. (It had my furniture, but still had the red brick, old classroom look to it.) After being in the room for a few minutes some of my friends were suddenly there. We were watching the news and the newscasters were talking about a tornado that was supposed to hit somewhere in Northern Utah. Honeyman walked in the room with some weird chick. She was short, brunette, frumpy and blah; and she was a total jerk. He introduced her as his wife. I was ticked. (or teeycked. ["those are for the fes-tiv-i-ties"]) I didn't even know he had been dating her! And he didn't invite me to his wedding! (They'd only known each other two weeks when they got married.) I had certainly not approved her! I was bugged so I left.
I was somehow making my way to my neighborhood (because, ya know, although it was my bedroom it was across town.) Suddenly most of my family members were walking with me. As we were nearing a bridge (which was, of course, about 4 times its actual size) I noticed the tornado. I watched it coming closer and closer to the bridge. When it cut across the bridge it split into two--in that, it was still swirling in the air, but the bottom half had gone under the bridge. (???)
As we reached the top of the bridge Cougar Stadium (BYU's football stadium) was on our left. Though it seemed like it was only a few dozen feet away it was somehow far enough that we could see the people inside. While on our way over the bride people were being swept up into the twister. Heidi started to be lifted so we all ran over to her and pulled her down (because, as you know, it only affects the one person--like an spaceship's tracting beam or something.) The tornado made its way over to the stadium. Deborah wailed out, "Aaron, where are you? What are you doing?" because her husband had gone somewhere and she wasn't sure if he was at the football game or not. Whole sections of people were being lifted into the twister. People were flying through the air all over the place. There was nowhere to run--EXCEPT!!!--into a nearby house! Of course, why hadn't I thought of it earlier??? We had to get into the designated safehouse as quickly as possible. While on the porch I said to someone, "I thought it was the house nextdoor." He said, "I'm pretty sure it's this one." To which I replied, "Could be...maybe it changed."
That's when I woke up. I never made it inside the safehouse. I'm pretty sure the Cougars lost the game.
Meridith is playing CatchPhrase with Abigail in the living room. I keep making random little comments to help Abby; though she is doing pretty well on her own. This little interaction just occurred and I am still shaking with laughter:
Meridith to Abby: If these things are not real, what do you have instead?
Sus from the next room: Implants!
...the real answer was "false teeth"
Abigail: How do you spelled maked?
Meridith: Maked?
Abigail: Yeah, like 'I maked a cake.'
Meridith: Add an e-d.
Susannah: How about we teach her some real words, Mer.
Parker: You call me a burrito.
Susannah: Parkeeto the Burrito; I've called you that since you were born.
Parker: I am not bored!
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