I was thinking today (frightening, isn't it?) and realized I miss living in the BYU area.
I didn't take advantage of it while I was there. I was far too intimidated by the people in my apartment building/ward. I should've been the one having the parties. I should have initiated conversations. I should have merely said Hi often to most of the people I completely avoided. I should've gotten in the hot tub with those two guys when they invited me. (Hahaha, that sounded wrong.) I shouldn't have had Honeyman with me so much (everyone assumed he was my boyfriend and I missed at least one interested guy because of that.) I shouldn't have worn those dang short shorts around so much. I should've stopped and talked with that one guy, Rory, when he initiated a conversation with me while working at a restaurant Reba and I were patronizing, instead of mumbling "hey, how's it going" and looking away quickly. I should've kept my room cleaner. I should've been kinder to my roommates, and not just civil some days. I should've learned more peoples names. I should've gotten to bed earlier lots of nights. I should've kept my junk in my room and not left it on the kitchen table. I should've taken the initiative of decorating with my stuff (flamingos, talking duck, singing shark, etc) the beginning and not felt like I was taking over all of a sudden in one afternoon. I shouldn't have introduced Honeyman to my cousin (who lived across the hall), it would have cut down on a lot of annoyance at both of them on my part. I should've done my dishes faster, so my roommates didn't get to them first and make me feel guilty. I should've put my WALL OF MALE MODELS up first thing, and not waited til two months in, so it didn't come as quite a shock to my roommates, hahaha.
I should have been more social.
It was interesting living with my ward members. I always had someone to go to church with, I just had to step outside my door. It was fun to meet new people. People I would never have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. True, some were annoying and I'm glad I will never see them again, but on the most part they were a blast.
I have two favorite nights from that time:
* One night I was hanging out with Honeyman, Natasha (my cousin), and Jessica (Natasha's friend). Tasha decided she wanted ice cream. I was thinking, "where in the heck are we going to get ice cream at 11 at night?" Tasha asked the guys wandering in the hall if they wanted to come with us to get ice cream. They said yes so all seven or eight of us piled into Honeyman's Grand Cherokee and I jumped in the drivers seat. (I drove Honeyman's car more than him when we were together. His night time driving is admittedly horrible.) We got to the grocery store where three of us picked out and bought ice cream. Someone got rocky road, someone else got vanilla, and I got raspberry.
When we got back to the apartment building we grabbed spoons and bowls out of my apartment and we all sat in the front of the building sharing ice cream and talking. As people were returning home they joined us. We ended up with nearly 20 people sitting there. It was a lot of fun.
* Another night I was hanging out with the same three people again (as I did most nights there after Tasha moved in) and we were sitting in the front talking. People would wander in and out and some would join us. We ended up with about 11 people sitting there talking about our favorite movies. We were laughing so hard the people in the closest apartments yelled out their windows for us to shut up. It was a blast.
I'd love to move down to Provo again, but it would be completely different people and I'm afraid it wouldn't live up to my expectaions and I'd hate it. But, then again, I might have finally learned what I should've done differently and actually put that to use and have the best time. Ya never know.
HEY, ALL OF MY SIBLINGS- Do any of you know where my Sons of Provo CD is? Did I lend it to one of you? I haven't seen it since August-ish. On that note- where is my Jonny Lang "Lie to Me" CD? Where did my DVD of Freaky Friday that Richard and Suzanne gave me for my birthday suddenly disappear to? It was in my box o' movies two weeks ago! Where is my Mouse Hunt VHS? (I think Aaron has that one, can anyone confirm that?) Why is all of my stuff disappearing??? I feel like Dad! hahaha. Oh, and by the way, do any of you know where Meridith's Pirates of the Carribean DVD is??? She has been searching for it since New Years.
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