Josh Groban is on the radio. I don’t know why that excited me as much as it did. I was blah and starting to type when I recognized Joshie’s voice and perked up. He’s a stud.
Ah, now it’s John Tesh! *new station*
Hmmmm, now they are talking about the effect of women on hormones on society. Random. Oh, it’s Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla. I can definitely now get back to what I was doing. Dang it, now I am thinking about Dr. Drew and how I find him strangely attractive in New York Minute. Dang me and my easily distracted mind.

I now have a little obsession with Michael Richards. But a specific ummm...version? Not the 55-year-old on Oprah last week, nor the Cosmo Kramer, nor the Stanley Spadowski eras. But on Trial and Error with Jeff Daniels and Charlize Theron. (He’s not as old as while on Oprah, nor as spazzy and crazy as Seinfeld and UHF.) Random, I know. I was bored on Sunday and so I popped in my DVD and watched it for the first time in its entirety. It’s my new favorite of the week.

Have I ever mentioned my love of Ed Helms on here? I don’t think I have. Shame on me, hahaha. I watched the Daily Show and saw Ed and whatever, he’s funny. It wasn’t until I saw him doing stand-up on Comedy Central that we clicked.

Hahaha, I intended to write about my dr appointment but instead it has turned into random guys I enjoy. Hahahaha. Well, maybe next time. I’ll just continue the fun...
Mike Birbiglia- Mike is a stand-up comic. I first saw him on Premium Blend, I believe. He’s been on Letterman and whomever that was filling in for Craig Kilborn, and a bunch of other shows, but I haven’t seen him on the other bunch of shows, hahaha. He also has a half hour special for Comedy Central Presents. He’s hilarious and darling. I’m on his streetteam “Crackers with Attitude”, hahaha.

Kevin James- He is the guy on King of Queens but he is also a stand-up comic. HILARIOUS.

Dane Cook- What is it with me and stand-up comics??? Well, actually I liked this guy before I found out he was a comic. He is “The Waffler” on Mystery Men. (“I’ve been working on a theme song, somethin like: ‘Yeeeeaaaaah, I’m the Waffler. Golden crispy, bad guys are history. Yaaaaooooow.’ And I’m running. Just think about it. Do you guys have a health plan? Maybe eye, dental?”)

Sean Murray- He plays McGee on NCIS (tuesday nights at 7 on CBS, MST) He’s an awesome actor and a really cool guy. And he calls me Sus, which scores points for anyone.

Dee Caspary- Hahahaha, I’m such a little dork. Dee is a choreographer. Jazz, mostly. But that isn’t why; oh heavens, no. He played Snitch on Newsies. I can pick him out in every scene he is in, and I often do- much to Meridith’s chagrin. His only line in the movie is “Cheer up, Jack.” But you can find him as the one sucking his thumb in the opening ‘everyone waking up’ scene. Hahahahahaha.

Christien Anholt- He played Nigel on “The Relic Hunter”

George Gray- He hosted “The Weakest Link” after Ann Robinson left. He has also hosted other shows, (like the one where some guy’s life was a reality show, and you got to vote on who moves into his house and stuff) but I’ve only seen one or two of those episodes.

Brian Baker- The “Sprint PCS” Guy

Paul Marcarelli- The “Can You Hear Me Now?” Guy

Conan O’Brien

Jim Carrey

Oh heavens, the list goes on and on.
By the way, Clarke- Don’t think I don’t know you had THREE mouthfuls of my bubble gum ice cream, rather than the “one tiny spoonful, just enough to taste it.” You and your incriminating forkmarks. I stopped labeling my food when you moved out, just ask me.
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