Saturday, December 25, 2004

I don't speak *monkey*


I am extremely annoyed right now. It really doesn't matter and I don't want to make it a huge deal; but DANG. If something is about me, for me, etc. and I say I hate it why do it anyway? Why does this happen repeatedly???
Random-made-up-example: Person- "I'm going to get you a shirt." Me- "Awesome. I would love a red shirt." Person- "I like pea green better. I am getting you a pea green shirt." Me- "I look horrible in pea green; I would NEVER wear it. I'd prefer red." Person- "Although you hate the idea of a pea green shirt I am going to get you one, and you will be an ungrateful spoiled brat if you are unhappy with such a gift."

This happens over and over and over. Ugh.

Most recently-
We got family pictures taken. Ok, fine, whatever. They picked the ugly one but whatever. It was "good of everyone else". And my mother says, "You look good. You're very photogenic." I'm appalled. I know that nearly everyone hates pictures of themselves but it's more than that. My mother had me in tight jeans and a LIGHT pink shirt (which would end in a horrible picture by itself) then the IDIOTIC photographer chick, Katie, had me KNEELING on the EDGE of the row, with no one in front of me. THEN, my hair was all over the place so I was trying to flip it out of my face without moving a lot (because she just kept clicking and I didn't want a picture of my arms in my face.)
SO--- My head is flung back, with the dumbest expression on my face, and I look horrible.

Ok, fine, whatever. Aaron had his eyes closed in my best picture...

So that's all fine and whatever, I looked like crap but everyone else looked good so fine. Its 26 people, you can't get everyone at their best, I can understand picking my ugliest one.


I then got headshots. I disliked them all, of course, but there were two that I really really really really really really really never wanted seen.
My mother picked all of her favorites out of the tons of pictures to get the enlarged. She had the stack that she had picked laying on her bed. I looked through them and saw that she had picked MY UGLIEST HEADSHOT. I silently grumbled about it for two days then finally asked my mom if we could switch the "open mouth" one with the "closed mouth" one. She said she like the "open mouth" one the best, that it was a good representation of me. Ok, HARSH, really, it's hideous. I may have extremely low self esteem already but DANG--how about twenty notches lower.
Later I checked the little envelope where she kept the pictures she picked for enlarging and she had switched the ugly one with the one I wanted. YAY!

SO-- Fifteen minutes ago I opened my lil wrapped gift of my enlarged picture. SHE SWITCHED BACK TO THE HORRIBLE, UGLY, BIG-TOOTHED, HIDEOUS, OPEN-MOUTH PICTURE!!! A huge 8'10" of the worst picture.

I find absolutely no reason to be grateful for this gift. I did not want it. In fact, I hated it- and she knew it before the fact. Why should I be happy? Oh gee, thanks, you are placing the worst picture of me on the wall. Sweet. Here's all the presents I got you THAT YOU FREAKING LIKE.

I'm a spoiled brat, I know, I've been told that by my mother.

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