I'd say this happens 6 out of 10 times the phone rings. Everyone from Meridith's friends, my grandmother, my parents, my siblings, to neighbors.
It doesn't bother me. I'm very much used to it.
Deborah, Meridith, and I all sound alike. It's not my fault, nor theirs. ...I blame my parents.
Deb called a few days ago and Mer answered. Later in the day Mer and I went over to Deborah's house. Meridith said, "I wasn't sure who it was when you called. It was either you, me, or Susannah. I knew it wasn't me [bright, isn't she?], and Susannah was upstairs, so I figured it had to be you."
Why does it have to be "You sound like Meridith"? Why can't it be "Meridith sounds just like you"? Heck, I'm two years, 9 months, 1 week, and a day older than her!!!
The oddest one is when people say "Hey Deborah." Ummmm, Deb moved out a long time ago. She is married. Has a baby. It is most likely me, not her.
Heck, Meridith is at school most of the time I get calls assuming I'm her. High school, people. You remember how long that was? All flippin' day. Meridith is not home at 10:30 a.m. It is me. Only me.
The other person people confuse me with is my sister-in-law, Suzanne. Ok, guys. Let's say this together: I'm Susannah, she is Suzanne. I'm Susannah, she is Suzanne.
Yes, I know, they sound alike. But we are very different people. She is married to my bro, has three darling little kids, is arty and creative. I am very, very single, living with my parents, not a drop of that kind of artiness (artyness? skill pertaining to art?) in me.
Aunt, who has known me for over a decade: "I heard Susannah had her baby!"
Mom: "No, Suzanne did."
Aunt: "Susannah?"
Mom: "No, Suzanne."
Aunt, looking thorouhly confused and embarassed: "Oh. Hmmm."
Ummmm...I'm sitting right here.
Other times the confusion comes merely from the close sound of our names.
(When I was 14-years-old)
Deborah: "Hey Liz, did you hear Suzanne is pregnant?"
Elizabeth: "Susannah's pregnant? Everyone's OK with this?"
Deborah: "Hahaha, No... Suzanne."
Susannah: "Yeah, right. I can't even get guys to talk to me."
So, ummmmm, yeah... In this family I'm never me. I'm Deborah, Meridith, or Suzanne.

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