Monday, November 22, 2004

L.i.a.B. #5 - Zack

L.i.a.B. #5; ZackyZack; Preference Dance; January 12th 2002

About two weeks before Preference- Zack, Manda, and I were hanging out at Manda's house watching Pearl Harbor. Every time Zack wasn't in the room Manda and I discussed whether I should ask him or not, and how.
Finally, as Manda was dropping us off at our respective houses, I nonchalantly said, "Hey, Zack, are you going to Preference?" He said no. So I said, "Do you want to?" He said, "Sure, yeah. ...So, like, are you asking me?" I told him that yes I was asking him and he said he'd like to go. So, yeah.

So, in typical us fashion, we didn't talk about it at all the next two weeks. A day or two before the dance our mutual friend, Jason, came up to me in the hall at school and asked if I was going with Zack. I told him yes and asked why he asked. He said that Zack wasn't really sure because of how casual we had been when I asked him. Hahahaha.

Manda's date was our friend, Phil, and Reba's was a blinddate with Manda's cousin. We picked up the guys (Zack's family had me come in and sit down in the family room and talk to them for a while before Zack came out!!!) and went over to Classic Skating. We put our stuff in one of the back party rooms then skated for a few hours. It was a lot of fun. We ordered pizza from Papa Johns -across the street- and I believe Reba picked it up and brought it over. So, we had lunch and then skated for about an hour more. I was doing so well! But then a kid fell in front of me and I tripped over his little body.

We dropped the guys off and got fancied up in our dresses. We picked the guys up a few hours later and brought them to my house, where my mother had made dinner. Meridith was our little waitress. Awwww.
After we took a few pictures (Hey, Reba, can I scan a few of those pictures you have?) we left for the dance, which was being held at the Provo Town Centre Mall. The dance was a lot of fun!

It was about 12:30 when we dropped the guys off.

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