I think I will just finish up with mini stories of the highlights and ...other stuff:
L.i.a.B. #4; James; Sadie Hawkins; November 10th 2001

Reba asked him out for me. She told me she didn't talk to him, though. He showed up on my door with a plate of cookies rambling off some poem he'd written and memorized. I stood there with the door open fighting urges to slam it closed. I hate surprises, a lot.
Reba and I picked up the guys (her date was Scott), then went to her house. We decorated our shirts (Reba had bought her and Scott tiedyed shirts, I'd bought James and me DARE shirts-all from D.I.), including cutting and ripping. I made my DARE to resist drugs and violence into: "DARE to resist Lance", James made his into: "DATE to resist bugs". Then we were supposed to paint our dates faces, but I wasn't into that. I couldn't handle the fact that I was on a date with the guy letalone touch his face. Scott and Reba looked frightening, I had purple on my lips and near my eyes, and Reba put random green stripes on James' face. We walked around the mall, frightening small children.

We dropped the guys off, washed the paint off our faces then picked them back up (wearing our decorated shirts.) We went to Reba's house and watched Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, which was both James and Scott's favorite movie and one I happed to have been watching a few days before (Ah, nerds dating nerds) and had pizza & soda.
We went to the dance around 9:30. I was a jerk to James in every single way possible. Not necessarily on purpose, mind you. I was just freaked out. I randomly ditched him many times, sometimes to just get a drink, sometimes merely to get away from him, and sometimes accidentally. Heck, I even danced with ZackyZack to the theme song. Oops. I told his date, Amanda Jones, she could go find James if she wanted. Hahaha. What a jerk!
I walked with him to his door and shook his hand. (hmmmm) Things were never really normal between us after that night (nor before that, for that matter.)
Reba & Scott that night:

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