As I walked toward the big chair I was struck with fear. I really didn't want to be there; I didn't want to get drilled! The assistant-chick asked me if I wanted laughing gas (Yes, Please!), then asked if I wanted headphones to listen to the radio (Another yes!)
The second I had that little mask on me I felt about twenty gajillion (rough estimate) times better. The most painful part was when the dentist shoved the Qtip covered in numbing agent between my gums and my cheek. During the shots (four or five of them!!!) I had to just talk to myself to keep my mind off the prick.
The drilling was more of an annoyance than painful. Because of my being mostly out of it, the pressure of the 2nd drill (the huge honkin' jackhammer one) felt like my tooth was being shoved side to side and would soon pop out. At one point I had that little metal thing connected to the lil metal stick wrapped around one of my bottom teeth and the dentist walked away to start on another patient. I was having phantom pains of being drilled on the other side of my mouth still. I felt my jaw being pulled back and forth again. I was so loopy.
I tried SO hard to keep my eyes open when they weren't drilling so I wouldn't fall asleep or go unconcious again. But it is seriously hard to keep them open when you have TWO bright lights shining right in them. Ugh.
I was lucky to have picked a good radio station this time. Usually I get a crappy station. Too many commercials sometimes, too soft of music that I can hear the drilling sometimes, too hard of music so it sounds like drilling when there is none. I got No Doubt's "Don't Speak", Lisa Loeb's "I Do", and various other good songs. Yay :)
When the chick took my laughing gas mask away I felt abandoned, naked, left to fend for myself against the pain of drilling. Although by then my lips, tongue, and cheeks were all incredibly numb.
So I had six (6!!!) cavities filled today. Little ones, I'm told. All caused by carbonic acid, whatever...I think my mother is conspiring with my dentist to get me to stop drinking Diet Coke. Apparently one cavity was much deeper than he had first thought. (Oh yay.) So he had to fill it with medication before the filling could be put in. He said everytime cold hits it there it will sting with pain. (Thanks a flippin' ton, Doc!) He says that should last between two weeks and a month. Blech.
Everytime I go to the dentist I can't help but think of Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors. ("Oh, Momma!") Which freaks me out a bit. Then I have to think of Bill Murray, hahaha. "Candybar! Candybar! Candybar!"

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