Tuesday, October 26, 2004

My cultlike following is now accepting applications

I got my teeth drilled on the 20th (Emma's bday!) and yet my teeth are still achy. Not all the time, no. Just when I attempt to chew semi-tough things. Which actually turns out to be a good thing for me because I've gone down 4.5 pounds in the past week. (9 in the past month!) (Bad side though- pasta doesn't hurt my teeth.)
I have tons and tons of candy left over from my party on Saturday, but I can't chew most of it. (I can, however, down the PixiStix and believe me, I have.) In fact, I have a salt water taffy that I haven't even finished half of, and I've been working on that thing since this afternoon.
All I've had today was a white roll, 6 PixiStix, a bowl of white rice with a little teryaki sauce, and the aforementioned salt water taffy. Much to The Honeyman's chagrin. He calls me anorexic and guiltrips me into eating things.

I've made a new goal for myself. I am going to (even if it means sacraficing limbs) lose 4 pounds a week. Which means about 55 pounds by Valentine's Day. Which means Dang, Gina!

Annie: "You're looking really good."
Susie: "Really?"
Annie: "Yeah. I was thinking that when you took off your shirt earlier."
Susie: "I really need to stop doing that."

Much like unto Meridith's thought processes, Honeyman & my IMs are RANDOM:

H: Im watching real world
S: Ooooo, I'm jealous
H: it is good
S: Is Landon and Shaniqua-Lasquisha together yet?
H: no
S: Dang it all to heck, I can't handle the sexual tension! Let it be done with!
H: the short haired white woman is pissing me off
S: Yeah, she's pretty dang annoying sometimes. Then again, all of the straight people are.
H: dan has a boyfriend
S: Dan? Who the heck is Dan?
H: with willie, dan is his man, my bad
S: Ok, I thought so, but was confused
H: willie is the real world guy
S: Yeah, the Ghostwriter guy


H: i am so excited to go shopping tomorrow
S: Oh heavens, I love retail therapy.
H: ha ha


H: you need a linebacker
S: Oooooooo.
H: thats hot
S: Yeah, but guess what: since I've lost so many lbs his need for being so big is going down and down. Dang it!
H: ha ha. even if you were tiny you would need a big man. thats just you
S: Well, that's true...


H: i cant wait until next saturday
S: Why? Is that when Lance is coming to my house? Well, I know about it now but I'll try to look surprised.
H: no... that is christy's birthday party
S: :( Thats not nearly as fun.
H: i might get some loving
S: What? No Lance? A party for Christy? And YOU get loving? How is the weekend supposed to be fun for me?
H: Lance might be there
S: Why didn't you say so in the first place? Geez, don't put me through that again.

Sometimes we act like we are a reality show and have cameras following us around. Our banter gets more and more witty at those times. I can imagine how things would be edited, what music would be playing in the backround, and what facial expressions they would capture.

It would be like a funky mixture of The Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica and What Not To Wear with Stacy London and Clinton Kelly. I say dumb things and he mocks me and we both comment on peoples clothing. HAHAHAHA!

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