The brutal honesty of a 3-year-old.
Susannah: Whatcha doin', Brook?
Brooklyn: Where's Aunt Meridith?
Susannah: I think she's upstairs.
Brooklyn: I looked upstairs, Aunt Susannah, she's not there.
Susannah: Oh yeah, she's at her friends house. What are you up to?
Brooklyn: I was downstairs then I came up here to find Aunt Meridith.
Susannah: Why didn't you come to look for me?
Brooklyn: Meridith.
Susannah: I know, I know, you want Meridith. But why didn't you look for me? Wanna play with me?
Brooklyn: No! [pause] umm...where's Aunt Meridith?
I recently noticed that I haven't talked to a lot of my high school friends in a LONG TIME. Especially these people:

Alan, Andrea, (ME), Nicky, Emily (hidden), Amanda, Brady (hidden), and Cory @ Nikki's 16th birthday party.
...Mostly because Alan moved away, Andrea got married and had a son, Nicky is living in South America, I talked to Emily a few months ago but never called her back, Elder Brady is in California, and Cory and I were never tight.
We always had a lot of fun together. That night was crazy, especially. That was also the first night I hung out with ZackyZack (right now Elder ZackyZack), though we had had drivers ed together a month earlier.
We would hang out every weekend, if only Sunday nights. It was usually Nikki, Sarah, Nicky, Andrea, Reba, and me. And we would drag along some of the guys sometimes.
One of the funnest nights was when Nikki, Brady, and I went on a Twinkie Run. (Which is when you buy Twinkies and drive up and down State St. yelling to people next to you "WOULD YOU LIKE A TWINKIE???" If they said yes, which most didn't, you then had the challenge of throwing a twinkie between two moving vehicles, attempting to get it in the window.) Brady eventually started stocking Twinkies in his room for when we were bored.
Hahaha, I was messing with Photoshop back in my novice days (4 years ago) and made this for Nikki:

That would be: Andrea, Me, Ricky of NoAuthority, Nicky, Reba, Brady, Gina, Dustin, Emily, ZackyZack, the-other-Amanda, Nikki, Cory, Nickyagain, Sally, Danny of NoAuthority, and Skylar-the-boy-Nikki-DearJohned.
...Dang, I miss those guys.
I've had three people comment on my looking much thinner this past week. Wahoo! I'm not doing as well with my workout schedule as I would like. Basically, out of 10 times I should have done it this week I did it 3. Oops! But I've had good reasons, like watching Alexa during the time I would have done it. ...Or an episode of CSI I haven't seen turning on, hehehe.
I don't know what I'm doing during the holiday on Monday. My dad wants to drive to Vegas to see Liz, Jayar, and the girls for just Sunday and Monday. Bleh. I'm with Liz on this one: "If you aren't coming for at least a week don't bother coming".
Well, Reba is here now and I must go play. Social obligations, you know ;) Hahaha!

That is Reba thinking she is cool and a punk. Hahaha! WHATEVER!!! (just joshin' Reba. You're as pseudopunky as they come. hahaha)
The boys are playing Nintendo right here next to me. They are hilarious.
Brayden: This is hard. Harder than a piece of paper.
Camden: Yoshi is not your friend!!!
Brayden: This is payback, baby. The painfullest payback you've ever had.
Susannah: Hi cute boys!!!
Camden: Hi cute Susannah.
Susannah: *SMOOCH!*HaHa, you were just kissed by a GIRL!
Brayden: Who cares?
Camden: It's his AUNT!
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