You know the other day when I said I had just had a thought but wasn’t going to tell you what it was? Yeah...your butt looked great. I glanced and I was like ‘dang! if she didn’t bug me so much I’d marry her.’”

Yesterday was Sarah's 19th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SARAH!!!
I spent yesterday with Sarah at the Gateway Mall in Salt Lake City. Here's what happened:
* Sarah spent a whole shload of money.
* I stood in line behind Elizabeth Smart at Panda Express
* Sarah and I decided Elizabeth's Burberry bag and matching wallet were real; as well as Mary Katherine's Louis Vuitton clutch.
...though perhaps they recieved them for filling out a short survey and picking one of these offers to complete?
* After leaving Hollister I said, "Its a good thing we went in there. My self-esteem had been hovering around normal and I'd been meaning to knock it back down." which was actually a paraphrase of Mike Birbiglia (one of my fave stand-up comics), but it fit.
* We decided- Susannah’s wedding night: “Well, today was fun. Goodnight!”
* I bought a black Vneck stretchy shirt to use as a work-out shirt...I have to bribe myself.
* and other stuff, but I'm too sleepy to write it all...
Today I woke up at 12:24. Haha, Oops!!! I was supposed to go to church with Honeyman at 11. I ended up just going to Keri's, which was Ok.
I watched "Some Like it Hot" tonight and the other day I watched "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and remembered how much I love Marilyn Monroe. :D
I went with Honeyman to his ward prayer (where he introduced me to everyone as "This is my friend, Susannah. She's like a sister." once is ok, twice is funny, six times is annoying), then drove around a bit. He decided that I need to start dating, and being more social. Blech.
Quotes from this evening:
H- "Your biological clock is tickin’ away & we can all hear it."
S- "What would you like me to do???"
H- "You don’t need to scream 'I’m a 20-year-old Mormon virgin and I’m ready to get married'"
H- "See, you don’t just suddenly get married; you gotta build to that."
S- "I’m only 20 and a month & a half!"
H- " Utah County; you’re well past your prime."
H- "Oh sure, right now it’s 20, but soon it’s gonna be 23 & single, with cats!"
S- "I told my dad I was wearing my 4-inch heels that make me 6'2" to scare away the boys. ...and because they looked hot with my outfit.
If you can’t handle my height then you can’t handle me"
H- "I’m going to be shocked the day you say you have a boyfriend."
H- "I drive like an idiot."
H- "My driving is horrible anyway; tack a Dominos sign on top and it all goes completely out the window."
H to TheMoney- "If we were a gay couple I’d be the girl in this relationship."
S- "I shaved."
H- "I know...I looked. I love it when you shave your legs. You really have great legs so when you don’t shave everyday I’m like 'Why?!' I know it takes time and everything but the result is so worth it!"
S- "From the back he looks exactly like you."
H- "So you’re saying I have a great back?"
H- "Guys would like chunky girls more if they’d just be proud and dress well. You need to show off your great legs more."
H- "I think I’m not in love with Paris Hilton anymore...well, as much as I was."

I have yet to go on that infamous blind date. Maybe this weekend? But it will not take precedence over the Weird Al Yankovic concert Saturday night.
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