Well... it all started about two hours ago when I decided to make scones for breakfast tomorrow for special-ness because Meridith starts her Senior year of high school. While looking for the recipe for scones I came across many many bread recipes. (Including a Bacon Cheddar Bread which made think of Miss Laura Llew) My mother, on her weird "we eat only wheat" campaign, has absolutely NO WHITE BREAD in the house. So what is a girl to do? Obligated, I pulled out the recipe for pizza dough. I was initially making breadsticks, but once I realized we had pizza sauce (and I don't mean canned tomato sauce, no no, I mean the real seasoned thing) I wasn't going to just let it be as breadsticks.
So here I am, past midnight, my pizza is cooling, and I need to get up an hour earlier than planned to fit in the extra TaeBo workout. :/

I've decided I need more if a social life because: I have now finished CSI: Miami, Season 1 on DVD. And I am more than halfway through CSI Season 1 on DVD (I've already watched 2 & 3 this year). WOW, I NEED A LIFE.
(In the :Miami season finale, the chick who is Horatio's sister-in-law was wearing blue crystal chandelier earrings. I have those same ones in pink! I was excited ...and that's sad.)
And now I'm screwed because CSI:NY starts this fall. With that, CSI: Vegas, CSI: Miami, The O.C., and NCIS I either need an exciting weekend life or a boyfriend who likes to watch primetime!
We have come to a special time in Susannah's Blog-dom. I now make up LESS than 20% of my hits. Wow.
...and yet...Tashina is the only person who comments. Thanks, Tashina! Gone are the days of Deborah's immaculately spelled, yet semi risque (if you're Meridith), notes enticing me to her Garlic Herb Chicken con Broccoli (@ Olive Garden) ways. Shame on you, Deborah! ;)
What I find funny is the majority of my Google hits are looking for Jonny Lang's wife, Haylie Langseth. You'd think it would only be a few, but nay - Haylie's got quite a few admirers out there, apparently.
I was going through some old files and I found this quiz my older sister, Deborah, did when she was my age. (We are 3 years apart.) I decided to put it here, as well as my own answers.
Here's your color code:
1-What time is it? 11:45
1:16 a.m.
2-Name as it appears on your birth certificate... Deborah
3-Nickname(s) Deb, Deborah-doo-eee I love you-eee, Debs, Miss Deb, Zuffy, Zevura, Jayar (Elizabeth only), sugar lumps, miss Deborah Love...
Miss Susannah, Sue, Suse, Susie, Susie Q, Sexy, Susannah Poo (only when my mother is disappointed), Sushi, Shaniqua, Madeline (Ryan only), Perdusa, Perdu, Drew, etc
4.Parents names... [Are you trying to stalk us?]
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last
birthday cake... 20 (although I don't think I got a cake last year...brats!!!)
I didn't have candles, but I turned 20
6-Date you regularly blow them out... July 12th (again see question #5)
July 25th
7-Pets... none
Only Meridith on a good day
8-Eye color... green (plain green, no orange no matter what Susannah says)
brown (no green, no matter what Deb or Meridith says)
9-Hair color... brown
umm... dark brown roots, then brownish, then blondish, that turns into brown.
one in each earlobe
11-Tattoos... a ctr emblem on my left hip bone (jk mom)
Leo sign on the small of my back (jk mom)
12-How much do you enjoy your job? It's fun, paychecks are nice.
Don't have one at the moment
13-Favorite color ... Yellow, Pink, and Purple (go figure)
Pink, Purple, and Red
14-Hometown... Orem, Utah
Orem, Utah
15-Current Residence: still in Orem
unfortunately still in Orem
16-Favorite food... don't even get me started, pasta from Olive garden...everthing really, just no eggs or green beans and we're good.
Potatoes. Any starch, really.
17-Been to Africa... twice!
LIAR! We've been three times!!! ;)
18-Been toilet papering... No, I think that is pretty dumb and rude
Nope, but did think about it
19-Loved someone so much it made you cry... um...Yeah.
Only if a mad crush on Lance Bass counts
20-Been in a car accident...ok ok, will I never live this one down!
Ok, so I hit the lil cement round thing under the lightpost. So sue me.
21-Croutons or bacon bits... croutons AND bacon bits, oh yes, and CHEESE!!!
Oh no thanks
22-Sprite or 7-Up... Sprite
Diet Pepsi, :D
23-Favorite movie... depends on the old mood, but I like "Return to Me" today.
Napoleon Dynamite, Sneakers, The Fugitive, etc. I'm not exactly a ChickFlicky gal.
24-Favorite holiday... Fourth of July
Valentine's Day
25-Favorite day of the week... Thursday's (always have been, don't exactly know why)
26-Favorite word or phrase... "...than you can shake a stick at"
"...I'm just a lil T.O.ed she hasn't sent a full body shot yet."
27-Favorite Toothpaste... anthing that whitens!!!
The new Citrus one that Emeril personally suggested to me through subliminal messaging in his commercials
28-Favorite deodorant... Secret, or Degree (cause I'm a hot babe)
Secret or Degree... I didn't know we were that alike
29-Favorite drink... water, then chocoalte milk, then juice.
Diet Pepsi, then Diet Coke with Lime, then water
30-Favorite sport to watch ... basketball
31-Favorite ice cream... sweet cream vanilla with fresh raspberries in it.
32-Sesame Street Character... the count (ah, ah, ah, ah)
The "Yi-ip yip yip" guys
33-Disney or Warner Brothers... Disney (I'm a kid at heart for sure)
34-Favorite Restaurant... Olive Garden, Los Hermanos, Durango Grill, etc..
PF Changs
35-When was last hospital stay... don't know
birth, I assume?
36-What color is your bedroom carpet... green
37-How many times did you fail the drivers test..twice (shut up, ok)
NONE, mwa ha ha
38-Who was the last person you got e-mail from before this... igia.com
That would be an offer to lower my Debt "the Christian way", and one from Meridith
39-Have you ever been convicted of a crime... not yet, they have to catch me first....
*sirens* If anyone asks, I've been here all night.
40-Which store would you like to max out your credit card... Super Target, and Williams Sonoma, but maybe Staples too.
Gucci or Armani (I {heart} Armani ties! ...not for me, for guys, of course.)
41-What do you do when you are bored... eat or go shopping
Sleep, mess around online, or go shopping
42- Friends that live farthest... My Aaron
Sarah and Elder ZackyZack, probably. They're both in Florida.
43-Most annoying thing people ask me... what should I wear tomorrow? or how should I do my hair?
Not so much a question, but I hate "You're tall." Am I? When in the world did THAT happen?
44-Bedtime...lately past midnight.
Around 3 lately.
45-Who will respond the fastest...hopefully no one, I only sent it to two people that already sent me this.
46-Least likely to respond...Big Bird
Deb's a freakin genius
47-Who is the most famous person you ever met? Elder Faust, Elder Wirthlin, Elder Perry, Susannah, Lavell Edwards, (not too exciting, I know)
Dean Cain, Jonny Lang, Taylor Hanson, Ike Hanson, Zac Hanson, SoulDecision, No Authority, TrueVibe, etc.
48-Favorite TV show... Family Feud,the old one, and The Cosby Show.
CSI, Dexters Laboratory, Family Feud, NCIS, Daria, The Daily Show, Hannity & Colmes
49- Last person you went out to dinner with... a whole bunch of people at Olive Garden in Las Vegas
Deborah to Panda Express last night
50-Last Movie you saw in a theater... Harry Potter
Bourne Supremacy with Dad yesterday
51-Time you finished ....12:01
1:36 a.m.
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