Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just a little chat

There was a time (*cough*2004-2008*cough*) when I mostly corresponded with people via IM. Oh, those were the good days. That was before I had texting on my phone.

I love IM because some of the funniest quotes come out. Oh gosh, so dang funny.


Andria: "Did I mention I am writing a romance novel?"


Susannah: "I am planning on moving into a cave deep in a canyon somewhere."
Ashley: "How would you be able to do peoples hair in a cave?"
Susannah: "I wouldn't need to because I wouldn't need money. I could just hang out all day. Naked if I wanted to.


Ashley: "Every now and then you have to take one for the team and watch a movie simply because your friends like it."
Susannah: "Especially if that friend is ME because I get my way."


Daryn: "We should have kissed!"
Susannah: "Would've made my interesting night a tad more interesting."
Daryn: "It was interesting? How so? We reeeeeally should have kissed."
Susannah: "My night was interesting in that I shared a cab with a drunk Polish guy who was covered in blood and was telling me, 'Don't worry, I didn't kill anybody.'"


Elizabeth: "Hey, whats up?"
Susannah: "I have no brain function today, Liz."
Elizabeth: "You are on your honeymoon after all..."
Susannah: "My wedding day sucked."


Susannah: "Its Teen Pregnancy Month."
Sarah: "I know, my kids made me a card."


Susannah: "Why do you think I've never posted a full body shot? This dang peg leg has always been a burden socially."
Travis: "I'll bet. Can you take it off?"
Susannah: "Yeah, but then I have to lean on things for support."


Susannah: "I'm not a small girl. I could step on an Olsen twin and commit homocide."

1 comment:

Sarah C. said...

I'm glad I made an appearance! Woot!