Tuesday, April 05, 2005

"Technical Babble"

I'm annoyed. I'm running my Mac on OS 9.1, which is lame of me because of all the other OSs I could be running, which are cooler than this. But anyway- I am attempting to update my OS 9.1 to 9.2.2, which means I have to go through 9.2.1 first. And it is all just to be able to update my MSN Messenger, who suddenly decided that anything under their new version 2.5 for 9.2.2 is now a hazard and may make you get hacked and get viruses and worms and Keds walking shoes and other horrible things.

Unfortunately, it is over a 7 hour download for 9.2.1 and around 6 for 9.2.2 I have no patience for this, as I attempted to do it once and it freaked out and canceled itself half-way through the download.

Why can't: The world cater to me? Give me my MSN for freaking 9.1 back! Why can't: All my friends get AIM or Yahoo! accounts? That'd fix all of my problems.

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