Saturday, April 02, 2005

Am I blushing?

No really, am I?

This little Aaron guy thoroughly cracks me up. (It should be mentioned that the previous green eyeshadow wearing wasn't because of some strange fetish, but because of his part as an Emerald City-ite in a play of The Wizard of Oz.)
I have no idea how to react to anything he says other than laughing. (When do I react to anything with something other than laughter???)

Sarah and I went to the second half of the Wizard of Oz tonight. After the show I saw Aaron, he said, "Hey, I remember you from last night." When he walked by again a few minutes later he blew me a kiss, hahaha. About fifteen minutes later I saw him blow a kiss to another girl-at which I pretended to be shocked.
A little while later Honeyman told him that I'd seen him and I was mad, or something, hahaha. He came out and said, "Umm, hey." I mocked being thoroughly offended that he dare show affection for another girl. He said, "I'm sooo sorry. Here: {kissed hand, licked hand, blew}, it's a french kiss." Haha, I made some comment about having never seen that before. He said, "Ok..." and leaned in all puckered up. I laughed and said, "Now I think you're frightening me, Aaron." He said, "I could lick your ear." Hahaha. I said, "Aaah, you remind me of Honeyman."
He came down on the stairs by me and told me about how he couldn't go out with us tonight because he hadn't finished cleaning his room, hahaha. He said, "But we will hang out together another time" {eyebrows all raising and stuff} Then he left.
Later, when he walked past the little room I was in, he blew me a kiss and I asked, "How old are you?" He said, "Seventeen. Statutory now, but later...{eyebrows raised}" Hahahahaha!!!

What a random little kid.

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