Friday, February 25, 2005

"I'm just playing him. The more he likes me the more I flirt with him." -The Honeyman


I wake up at 6:30. Sometimes I go back to sleep til around 10 or 11, sometimes I don't. If I stay up I dink around the house for a few hours until I finally decide to get dressed for the day. **THEN I GET THE MAIL!** (the sad, sad excitement of my day)
After all that I work on my lil packets of crapola so I can finally graduate high school and get my parents off my back. I do that until about 5, then I dink around the house usually watching TV. Sometimes I do stuff at night, usually not. Then I hang out doing nothing around the house until after midnight, then I go to sleep. Blech. Yeah, I have no life, hahaha.

Getting the mail, watching my nieces and nephews, wandering around the mall, and the occasional trip to Vegas are my excitements. HAHAHA! Wow, I really need to do something really really fun soon.

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