Last night I was lying (laying?, whatever) on my tummy on the bed while reading a book, with my feet towards the head of the bed.
Caroline came in and sat on my back, deciding I was her horse. Soon I had my brown skirt on my back as a saddle, my purse around my head so the handle could be used as reins, Caroline had a bicycle helmet on as her cowboy hat, Emma had a bowl on her head as her cowboy hat, Line had a tie as her lasso, Em had a stuffed parrot(?), etc.
I continued reading my book through the entire thing.
Soon there was a plastic desk draped in a blanket as a nearby camel. (?? Who knows.) And Line was looking around for things to use as trees. Hahaha. That was about the time when I got off the bed and went downstairs, much to the girls chagrin.
So Liz has now gotten me addicted to Bounty Hunter on A&E. Hilarious. Dog's wife was yelling at the lady they were carting off to jail then she slammed the car door, it was great. Dog yelled YOU-ARE-A-CRACK-HEAD! (With little pauses between each word. Hilarious!) at the guy.
"Little Timmy made it to the 10th grade. ...Which is one more than me. I'm so proud of him." -Timmy's dad
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