Wednesday, December 15, 2004

"I'm sick of following my dreams, man. From now on I'm just gonna ask them where they're going and hook up with them later." -Mitch Hedberg

So... it's more WishList time:

* Mike Birbiglia's CD: "Dog Years"
* Ray Ramono's CD: "Live at Carnegie Hall"
* In Living Color seasons 1 & 2
* Napoleon Dynamite DVD
* Josh Groban new CD/DVD combo
* The clear high heels with flashing lights in the heel at Payless
* The new ColorWorkshop makeup kit at Costco
* A red leather jacket
* Pointy-toe knee-length black boots

"I only like thick girls. If she's got ANY bones showin' it's like: I'm not talkin' to her." -Friend of John, Carmine, and Frankie Gotti

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