In ninth grade Ryan started introducing me to people as his wife. Random, I know, but that's Ryan for ya. And we had World Studies 9 together, from the teacher who would become our Debate Coach the next year. So from then on all through my high school career I was known as Ryan's wife. He referred to me as "Susannah [fake middle name] [last name] Honeyman!"
Then in 10th grade I was talking to Ryan during our U.S. History class and he got in trouble, then backmouthed to the teacher, and got kicked out. That basically got him back for getting me in trouble in Typing.
So, basically all that was supposed to mean was we've always been friendly, but contrary to popular belief we had never hung out outside of school. We saw eachother in class and occasionally in the halls. That was it. And yet girls were asking my permission to ask him to dances and stuff. It was an odd, yet fun, relationship. To everyone else we were like best friends, but to us it was very different- we hardly knew eachother.

While walking into seminary I saw Ryan. He and I started chatting and he playfully said, "Hey, Susannah, I think you should go to Homecoming with me." I chuckled and said, "Then I think you should ask me." He said, "Would you go if I asked you?" I smiled and said, "Well, we'll see." And with that we parted ways to go to our separate classrooms.
A few days later, during my DJing shift at KOHS 91.7 FM, I got a call from Ryan. He was in our debate coach's classroom. We talked for a few minutes, he requested a song (B52's Love Shack, his typical request), then he asked if I would put him on-air for a few minutes. I didn't want to, I knew what was coming. Our coach, in the distance, yelled "put the guy on the air, Susannah!" So finally I agreed and hit the button. He said something like, "You're listening to KOHS Orem, and I'd like to know: Susannah, will you go with me to Homecoming?"
Although I knew he was going to say it, it still slightly freaked me out. I mumbled something like "O.....k then", hit the next song, and hung up the call.
So two days after that I went into his seminary class early and wrote some random cryptic thing on the board about verses in the scriptures he had to look up to get an answer. Once looked up it said: "Susanna said yea" {Misspelled was the closest I was gonna get}
He ended up on the ballot for Homecoming royalty. Not shocking. (He also ended up on our Senior Superlatives. Everyone loves the guy.) But what was shocking was that four student council members (friends of mine) came up to me on separate occasions and told me how close I was to getting on the ballot. I WAS ONLY 3 VOTES AWAY. What the crapola?!? I though most people didn't know me, letalone like me. But I guess I was wrong.
FRIDAY- So... Ryan didn't win anything, but my friend, Brittany, got first attendant-which was cool.
SATURDAY- I wore a white Tshirt, a purple track jacket, jeans, and black sunglasses with purple lenses. Ryan picked me up in the afternoon. Our group included us, Ryan's friend Jeff, and Jeff's pregnant fiance. We headed up to the Hogle Zoo. I hadn't been there since fifth grade, so it was a lot of fun. At one point Ryan got DippinDots and introduced me to the vendor as his wife and said, "Isn't she hot? You can't have her though." Kinda freaked out the poor kid. We went to Subway for lunch. Ryan said I "had better get a lot of food" because he hates it "when girls only want like a salad or water or something". I went with turkey on a 6 inch, thinking that was good enough. Oh boy, wow. He got meatball with added bacon on a foot-long. Then he dropped me off at home.
I was excited that my hair was long enough to go behind my shoulders (because I had stupidly cut it really really short my sophomore year), so I didn't even really do my hair. I think I might have curled the ends, slightly. I put in a black headband and that was about it.
We went to the school gym to get pictures taken. Our couple picture was of us sitting on a white metal bench. They had me put one hand on his ("Aaaaaah, I'm touching him, aaaaaah!"), and the other in my lap. No wonder people find me intimidating, one look at that picture and you'd think I could've beaten that poor skinny kid up with one hit.
After we got the pictures done we went over to Jeff's house, where his parents had dinner waiting. His little brother was our waiter and served us hors d'oeuvres, salads, and steaks. It was pretty fun. I was silent A LOT of the date, as usual, dang S.A.D., I was freaked out by a guy I'd known for years.
The dance was fun, nothing traumatic. My friend, Phil, greeted me with, "Why, Susannah, you look more beautiful than ever...if that's possible." and kissed my hand. Which was cheezy yet great.
After the dance we staked out Reba's house, waiting for her blind date to bring her home. After a while everyone got tired and Reba still hadn't shown up, so we left. Ryan had said about fifty gajillion times, "You know, you're not gettin' any lovin' tonight." Ok, ok, got it. Enough, already!
When we got to my house I reached for the doorknob, to check if it was unlocked. (I couldn't imagine many things worse than saying goodby to a guy at my doorstep then being locked out.) It was unlocked so Ryan, being only halfway up the walkway, said "Ok, goodnight. See you on Monday."
So allinall, it was fun.
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