Sunday, November 07, 2004

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

...well, not really. It has been sunny and dry all week. But that hasn't stopped me from blasting Bing Crosby singing "Silent Night" and starting my shopping lists!

I have 25 people to shop for this year. (That's not including friends and acquaintances. That is only my 2 parents, 11 siblings, 7 nieces, and 5 nephews.) It will probably cost me about $300.

But the more gifts I get for others the more things I find to put on my wish list. Oh heavens, will the madness never end?

Newest addition:

(*WARNING* I forbid all my siblings to follow this link, as a lot of my gifts will be from this same website this year.)

The "Just-Rite Citrus Juicer"

Wow, that's great.

I love to get gifts for people, but I rarely know what they want. So guys, here is your opportunity to get something you actually like:
I'd like my siblings (come on, I know at least 4 of you read this) and my friends to COMMENT (heaven forbid, I know!) and let me know what you like. Generals, if that's all you can handle.
I want: Favorite candy, shoe size (girls), favorite restaurant, favorite movie you do not own, favorite CD, and anything else you wish to add.


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