Thom- "No Ma'am; we're just gay men."
It's official. Clinton Kelly has now become my second-favorite fashion guru. (Following Carson Kressley, of course.)
He co-hosts TLC's "What Not To Wear" with Stacy London. And, of course, he's gay (Aren't all my favorite men?)
From his TLC bio:
Favorite splurge item:
Cashmere sweaters. Not only do they look and feel great, but they allow you to use the line, "Touch my chest, you fox, and tell me it isn't heaven. I dare you."
Stacy is the harsh one on the show. Clinton's sweet. "It's not you. We LOVE you. We just hate the way you dress." How many times have you wanted to say that to someone?

Has nothing to do with fashion, but I may have just found my favorite Ted Allen (of Queer Eye) quote:
What type of workout keeps you in shape?
"Give me a minute to stop laughing."
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