My ideal party would be Black-Tie. Outside, with white lights, people carrying silver trays of food, and an orchestra. Very Sabrina-esque. That'd rock for my wedding reception, but alas I am here in pile-in-the-car-wer're-going-to-a-reception-for-dinner,-don't-forget-the-high-chair!-Utah Valley!!!
My favorite parties to host are Halloween ones, which is why theyre on my mind right now. We have less than a month & a half til Halloween.
Year before last I wore all brown and had a large UPC around my neck.

I was The UPC GUY! Hahaha.
Last year I wore:
* too-tight spandex workout capris
* a oversized white Tshirt
* a red hunting vest
* a long string of cheap-o pearls
* huge ugly earrings
* bright red nailpolish
* bright blue eyeshadow
* tons of black mascara/eyeliner
* bright red lipstick
* purple high heels
Then I brushed out my perm, making it a gigantic fro. I brushed some would-be bangs down and hairsprayed them. When they were dry I flipped them back making a big poof, and hairsprayed that. I held out the sides of my hair near my ears and hairsprayed those (making what Deb calls "wings").
I'm not sure what to do this year. I was thinking either Ginger Spice or Anna Nicole Smith, pre-TrimSpa.
Both would be ridiculously fun makeup to do!
I am thoroughly sick of my hair. It is three different colors and just past my shoulders. Blech.
I want either golden blonde or dark brown. None of this in-between stuff. And I want it long again... :(

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