Daria: I can once they put in my high-speed internet connection.
My life is so monotonous. Nothing fun whatsoever goes on around here.
This morning I dropped Meridith off at school at 7:25. When I got back I dressed in a pink tank top, denim mermaid skirt, and a black jacket. I left to Institute where there was ABSOLUTELY NO PARKING. I drove around for a half hour, then decided to leave. I read The Scarlet Letter for a half hour then came downstairs. I turned on the TV and laid on my mom & dad's bed and QUICKLY fell asleep. I slept from about 10:30 to 3:00. Oops!
My mom woke me up at about Noon, Deborah woke me up at about 1:00, then Deb & Meridith woke me up just after 3:00.
I got up and got on the computer for about an hour, then I laid back down. I watched The Weakest Link for about five minutes, then decided I was hungry (because, as you can see, I hadn't yet eaten anything today).
So, I ate a nectarine. Then Meridith asked about my day and I spewed off this whole thing. ...then I went up to my room, turned on The Simpsons, and fell back to sleep.

So, I decided my new favorite shows are The Weakest Link, My So-Called Life, and Daria.
Daria has the most hilarious dry humor in its writing. It reminds me a lot of Sarah and me.
Here are some quotes:
Daria: My hormones don't rage. Oh sure, they get mad sometimes, but then they just stop speaking to each other.
Stacy: If people in really poor countries can't get food, does that mean they can't get diet soda either?
Tiffany: Then how do they stay so thin?
Daria: So now my once rational mother is telling me that I have to respect Quinn's beliefs.
Jane: Well I suppose the earth *could* be flat.
Jane: Andy Warhol filmed eight hours of a guy sleeping and people thought it was brilliant.
Daria: Those people changed their minds after they got into the twelve step programs.
Helen: You gloss over everything with a cynical joke and no one knows what you really believe in.
Daria: A-ha. So my evil plan is working.
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