Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Car Picnics and salty fingers

Having a 2-year-old and an almost-6-month-old is incredibly exhausting. They are my favorite, favorite people, but chasing my monkey around as he destroys the world and purposely wakes up his sister every single time I get her napping is EX.HAUS.TING.

Today I'm trying to clean off the hard drive of this, the old family computer. Yesterday Jeremiah kept running up and turning off the computer while I was on it, which made me bonkersville. So I decided that today I was going to do something different to keep him entertained. I took the kids to Michaels for some craft things that Jeremiah can in his high chair while I am on the computer. We picked out scented markers, 6 Play-Doh colors and a little Fun Factory extruder for him.

I pushed Astoria in the single stroller (because that's the one I had in the car, as I'd been using the double stroller in the garage to wrangle the  kids while I did a haircut on the driveway) and carried Jeremiah on my hip. At least until we entered the store. Then he immediately squirmed his way down and ran down an aisle. Of course. *sigh*
So I chased him, grabbed him, he squawked and loved the way it reverberated off the walls so he squawked again. And again. And again. And cackled. And squawked again. Shuuuushhhhhhhhhhhh, child. Shush.

He squirmed his way down over and over and I had to leave Astoria and chase Jeremiah down an aisle and pick him up so many times. Ugh, child. At one point he dramatically went limp as I grabbed him (we call it "going chicken tender" because he acts boneless) and ended up bonking his face lightly on the ground. It wouldn't have been much of an issue because it was so light, but it was his eye socket so it hurts more. So then he was wailing and I was holding him, trying to shush his screams while comforting him. So fun.

We finally finished up at the store and headed back home with some breakfast from Chick Fil A (after wrestling him into his car seat. Exhausting.) As we were pulling into the neighborhood I noticed that Astoria had fallen asleep and I knew she would wake up as soon as I pulled her out of the car, so I decided we would have a car picnic! Yay, keeping MonkeyBoy out of the house for a few minutes with something different than usual!

We pulled into the shade of a big tree in the church parking lot down the street from the house and I climbed into the back of our station wagon-style car. Eventually MyMy joined me in the back and ate his scrambled egg & chicken bowl next to me, although he wanted to just sit on my lap most of the time. He's such a ridiculously sweet, cute boy. I feel bad that he makes me bonkers so much because he is *incredibly* loving.

He asked me to go to Grandma's house and I had to, yet again, explain that Grandma and Grandpa moved far away and don't live in the house here anymore. So he had me FaceTime her. :) He LOVVVVVVVES Grandma.

My sweet MonkeyBoy was so excited for his Play-Doh and he did so well with it. Derrick was sure he was going to try to eat it, hahaha, so I cracked up when the very first thing Jeremiah did when it plopped out of the little yellow container was lick the Play-Doh, hahaha.

I love these little ones so, so, so much.

Oh lovely. Jeremiah just noticed Astoria fell asleep in my arms so he RAWRRRRRRed at her to wake her up. Great. Here we go again... *sigh*

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